Circuit 04 FAQs

When will you announce the Circuit 04 finalists?
We’ll be sharing a list of 15 finalists via email and social media channels in early October.

When will you announce the Circuit Selects?
We’ll be in touch directly with our Selects entrants in early October, 2024. They’ll be announced and shared publicly later that month (October 26th,) at the RESONATE Podcast Festival.

How strict is this 3-minute prompt?
We strongly encourage you to embrace the challenge of landing right at 3:00, but we can be a little bit (dare we) fluxible – we’ll accept submissions that fall between 2:55 and 3:05.

What do you mean by “an object that inspired a FIRST” (yours or someone else’s)?
Your fluxwork must feature a tangible ‘thing’ that relates directly to the story of a “first” - either yours or someone else’s. This may be a family keepsake,  a local monument, a flier for a punk show, your father’s beloved marble collection, etc.

What do you mean by “accompanied by a handwritten document”? Do I need to mail something to you?
Our creative partner Jason Reynolds writes all of his first drafts by hand, and this prompt honors this increasingly rare practice. You can include something related to your own production process (i.e. an outline, transcript, story map, equivalent of a title page) or something that relates narratively to your story (i.e. a shopping list, a love letter from high school, directions to your favorite diner)

While we’d love to receive each actual handwritten document IRL, a .jpg or .pdf of yours will (ironically) suffice.

I’m new to the Jason Reynolds Appreciation Club. Where should I start?
Ooh fun but tough question, because everything we’ve read from Jason is great. You could start with the Track series, or if graphic novels are more your thing don’t miss Stuntboy, in the Meantime or maybe you’d love the haunting, poetic Long Way Down like we do, or any Miles Morales fans out there? How about this remix of STAMPED (for young readers) or his breathaking/giving artful mix of prose and visual collage, Ain’t Burned all the Bright

Can I work with a partner or team on my fluxwork?
Absolutely, you’re welcome (encouraged even!) to partner up. However, should your fluxwork be chosen as a Circuit Select, you’ll only receive 1x the honorarium of $750.

Can I submit a non-English fluxwork?
Yes! If you do, we’ll ask that you also send us an English transcript either via link or document.

Can I submit a fluxwork from outside the US?
Yes! We hope to hear fluxworks from all over the world.

Do I have to commit to being present for the live debut?
No, if your fluxwork is chosen as a Circuit Select you will not be obligated to attend the RESONATE Podcast Festival (October 25-26 in Richmond, VA.) But it would be very fun for you to be there, for all of us.

Can I adapt a previously-produced story for Audio Flux?
Not if this previously-produced story has been published anywhere! Your fluxwork should by and large be an original piece, crafted in response to the Circuit prompts.

Will Audio Flux offer any editorial support?
Given the expected volume of submissions, we’re not able to offer editorial support per submission.

How are you deciding on your Circuit Selects?
The Audio Flux team will listen to every submission and decide on a list of finalists, which will then be shared with a small panel of guest judges. This larger group will pick Circuit Selects based on originality, story choice, use of prompts, use of sound, and overall impression.

What’s this about a free AIR Media membership, if I win?
It’s true — our friends over at AIR Media have kindly offered a free one-year membership to all Circuit Selects, and a free three-month trial membership to every single person who submits a fluxwork! AIR is a great supporter and advocate for independent media makers worldwide, and is committed to “reimagining and building a more equitable, sustainable infrastructure in collaboration with our vibrant, ever-growing community of independent media makers.” We’re grateful for their support for Audio Flux, and by extension for everyone producing a fluxwork for Circuit 04.

Can I post my fluxwork on my website or another podcast?
If your submission is chosen as a Circuit Select it will be featured on this website, and you’ll be welcome/encouraged to share the work far and wide. We will ask that you wait until 6 months after your fluxwork is presented in The Audio Flux Podcast before sharing it in another podcast feed or on the radio. We will also ask that you credit Audio Flux wherever your work shows up publicly, à la "This piece was originally produced for Audio Flux.”

Do I have to pay or sign anything to submit a fluxwork?
No, it’s absolutely free to submit your work! We do ask that you read and acknowledge having read our Official Rules along with your submission. The Official Rules include our “Circuit Selection Producer Agreement” which lays out the terms for if your fluxwork is chosen as a Circuit Select, and basically gives Audio Flux permission to feature your fluxwork on our website, at AF events and related opportunities, and in our podcast. Please note that we will not be able to negotiate the Producer Agreement on an individual basis, but also know that we have done our best to tailor our agreements to be creator-friendly.

Will I own my fluxwork after submitting it?
Yes, you retain ownership of your fluxwork whether or not it’s chosen as a Circuit Select. Terms outlining permission and usage can be found in our Circuit 04 Official Rules.

Can I develop a longer piece, series or show from my fluxwork?
Yes! We hope that your fluxwork inspires you toward more production, for sure! If it’s chosen as a Circuit Select,  we’ll ask you to agree to some parameters around timing and crediting, and will cheer you on from the sidelines.