The Super Pets (Kalila Holt, US)


When Kalila was a kid, she imagined her pets as superheroes.

Kalila Holt is a fiction writer and senior producer of the critically-acclaimed podcast Heavyweight. The first time she went to a waterpark, she got stuck on the lazy river and a lifeguard had to come help her.

The Super Pets was commissioned for Circuit 03. The portrait of Mr. Ibs was created by Ben Lenovitz, in response to this fluxwork.

Christine Koh

Christine Koh is a music and brain neuroscientist turned Internet unicorn. She's the founder of Boston Mamas, co-author of Minimalist Parenting, co-host of the Edit Your Life podcast, creative director at Women Online, and designer/co-owner of Brave New World Designs


OJ the Scaredy Cat (KalaLea, US)